I have been asked to present certain concepts to various research audiences. Enclosed are the slides I use when discussing these topics.
The current contents are:
- Introduction
- How To Publish in Top Journals: This presentation explores the publication process from two perspectives: (1) my own personal journey as a PhD student, and (2) "scientifically gathered" empirical data.
- An Introduction to Qualitative Research: A number of terms get banded about by qualitative researchers like hermeneutics, interpretivism and social construction. What do these things mean? Here, I try to not only explain these concepts but get the audience to feel these concepts. We look at some very concrete examples of how reality isn't real, including looking at things we think of as real like color and money.
- Science, Social Science and Social Construction: This presentation explores how social science is different from science and how social science methodologies must adapt to the differences. The idea of being purely objective scientists in an environment where what you are studying can change as beliefs change is downright silly.
- Design Science vs Positivism and Interpretivism: I highlight how while design science is rational-objective, unlike a true positivist, and like a critical theorist, design scientists seek to make the world a better place.
- Sociomateriality: Things do not exist in and of themselves, but only become real in their use.
- Behavioral Control Theory: Behavioral Control Theory seeks to understand how one gets groups to perform desired tasks. It arises from two very contradictory roots. On the one hand, many of the concepts underlying behavioral control theory are predicated on a world of selfish agents. However, other concepts arise from the idea people are stewards and seek to make the world a better place.
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